Tell us which net you need, we make it!


Fishing Nets


Physical characteristics

* Specific gravity: 1'14
* Melting point: 250º
* receptiveness to water: moderate

Mechanical characteristics

* Humidity firmness: high
* Loss of resistance at knots: excellent
* Firmness/weight ratio: 3,0
* stretching during constant load: high
* Stretching at working load: 23%
* Abrasion resistance: excellent
* stretching with 75% at the working load: 42%

Chemical characteristics

* Dissolves in strong acids
* Breaks down in alkali
* Organic solvents: dissolves in some organic acids

Resistance to degradation

* Resistance to light: good
* Resistance to aging: excellent
* Resistance to salt water: excellent
* Resistance to temperature: -45°/+148°

Sellos de calidad ISO y AENOR

Tecnología redera, S.L
Camino San Isidro, s/n
Poligono Industrial de Cox
03350 COX, (Alicante – Spain)
Tlf: +34 96 675 05 25
Fax: +34 96 675 05 10